Online psychic readings and better being guidance

Paul Knight

Paul Knight

Psychic Clairvoyant - OBS English


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OBS - Denne rådgiver tilbyder kun konsultationer på engelsk. Anmeldelserne af denne rådgiver kan læses på vores Engelske side. - Style of Reading: Direct -I have a way of feeling and seeing things so people can be assured that I always try to help them in an honest way with my intuition but that doesn't necessarily mean I will be summoning the spirits. In fact most of the time you have the answers you are looking for and we just give you a little push. You also have your own spirit guides to help you. I was always curious about spirituality; my interest in the subject led me to learn to read Tarot cards, only then did I discover that a gift ran in my family. My great grandmother used to heal people using her hands and her sister was an incorporation medium. I have always had a sixth sen...

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Klientkommentarer til Paul

801 readings 0 favorites 29 reviews, 100% are positive or very positive

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« Always amazing »

Thank you, Paul. When I want the 100% truth I know to go to you. When you say you see always happens. You have a true gift. Give Paul a call....but be prepared to hear the truth (even if you don't want to hear it). Paul is kind but make sure to pay attention to what he says.

Kommentar 15 dage - - sashakiss1, d.

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« Speak to Paul only when you want 100% honesty »

Paul is not one to sugarcoat--at all. But his honesty is to help his clients instead of telling them what they want to hear. I'll be honest, I've spoken to Paul only 3 times because I have to be prepared to hear the truth...and during tough times I'm not prepared so I wait until I'm in a stronger frame of mind. If Paul tells you to "be careful" or tells you to "work on need to clear that..." trust me: Listen to Paul! I didn't heed one of Paul's warnings of what he saw in one of my readings and I ended up in a really terrible situation. But after tonight's reading I am trusting Paul's insight and advice 100%. He does still have positive things to say: there's a possibility of a substantial long-term relationship coming at the beginning of this year (but I've got to clear my mind and my life of a certain person...I will be listening to him 100% and believe I have work to do to ready myself). He also saw success in a career endeavor that's actually my dream and said that this will bring me genuine fulfillment and satisfaction. Hearing that brought me absolute joy because he is will be fulfilling. I've just got to get through the blocks and negative thoughts I have in my mind. THANK YOU, Paul for your ALWAYS very honest readings! Many blessings and positivity being sent your way!

Kommentar 15 dage - - mm1912, d.

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Paul profil

Psychic Clairvoyant - OBS English - 26 Years of Experience

OBS - Denne rådgiver tilbyder kun konsultationer på engelsk. Anmeldelserne af denne rådgiver kan læses på vores Engelske side. - Style of Reading: Direct -

I have a way of feeling and seeing things so people can be assured that I always try to help them in an honest way with my intuition but that doesn't necessarily mean I will be summoning the spirits. In fact most of the time you have the answers you are looking for and we just give you a little push. You also have your own spirit guides to help you.

I was always curious about spirituality; my interest in the subject led me to learn to read Tarot cards, only then did I discover that a gift ran in my family. My great grandmother used to heal people using her hands and her sister was an incorporation medium. I have always had a sixth sense regarding people with the ability to read through them and feel their energy.



I was initiated as a Reiki Master by Chetan Aseem and used to visit hospitals to assist people with chronic diseases. After, I started a course on Regression and Past Life Therapy and studied Astrology for 3 years.

Erfaringer og kvalifikationer

Other Specialities: Tarot Reading, Medium, Clairvoyance, Dream Analysis, Astrology Reading, Regression, Past Life, New Age Spirituality, and Reiki.


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