Online psychic readings and better being guidance



Psychic Expert Love Matters - English


100 %
positive anmeldelser

OBS: Denne rådgiver tilbyder kun konsultationer på engelsk. - Style of Reading: Inspirational and Compassionate -A deeply caring and compassionate 3rd generation natural psychic, a spiritual healer and a relationship expert. My natural abilities include being able to look into the future and connect with the energies of the people in relationships. I am able to reunite lovers and save relationships .I have found great success in reaching solutions for people who have suffered marital problems,physical & mental abuse, to detect cheating partners, helping people find their soul mates. My powers also extend to relieving stress and anxiety. I have learnt how deep of an impact spirituality can have, how it actually changes lives for the better and would help you to live your life from a...

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Klientkommentarer til Madhur

81 readings || 0 favorites || 2 reviews, 100% are positive or very positive
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Trustworthy and kind

He gives you very honest answers and gives you personal details that no-one could have told him. You can trust his answers and guidance. I would recommend him to anyone seeking advices about love at any time.

Kommentar 15 dage - - lenepigen, d. 07/09/2017

Virkelig en positiv oplevelse

Det var en virkelig positiv oplevelse og Madhur har med sit svar på mit spørgsmål virkelig givet mig ro. Kvaliteten af hans svar er helt i top og han kan virkelig anbefales ❤️

Kommentar 15 dage - - angel19801980, d. 15/06/2017

Madhur's schedule

I am available now until 19:00








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19:00 - 24:00

00:00 - 19:00

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Madhur profil

Psychic Expert Love Matters - English - 25 Years of Experience

OBS: Denne rådgiver tilbyder kun konsultationer på engelsk. - Style of Reading: Inspirational and Compassionate -

A deeply caring and compassionate 3rd generation natural psychic, a spiritual healer and a relationship expert. My natural abilities include being able to look into the future and connect with the energies of the people in relationships. I am able to reunite lovers and save relationships .I have found great success in reaching solutions for people who have suffered marital problems,physical & mental abuse, to detect cheating partners, helping people find their soul mates. My powers also extend to relieving stress and anxiety. I have learnt how deep of an impact spirituality can have, how it actually changes lives for the better and would help you to live your life from a spiritual perspective. I have an ability to see beyond the five senses.If you allow me to help you once, I can guarantee that you’ll notice a real change for the better in your life.


I have mastered the Vaastu shastra , the sacred Indian science of divination which helps people to expel the negative energies for the betterment of relationships........8012





Erfaringer og kvalifikationer

I have 16 years’ experience in helping people solving their relationship problems using my expertise and clairvoyance. I also use positive behavior inculcation therapy and situational analysis for solving relationship conflicts. Self-accountability, personal grooming and self development are the part of my counseling techniques. As a life coach and therapist, I believe in generating and amplifying clients’ own powers and directing them towards spiritual enlightenment. In fact, we all have latent powers within ourselves and the only thing we need is a gentle push in the right direction and a proper guidance afterwards. Through my god gifted abilities and qualities, I can guide and help you if you are not able to take decisions and have lost hopes. Presently, I am working on various reputed websites and would like to render my services on this wonderful platform


Renown psychic expert having outstanding record in love , family , health , career and other sensitive matters like dream interpretation and past Life Recollection using clairvoyance , spiritual healing , numerology, astrology , picture reading and vaastu science as tools.


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